3 Ways to Energise Your Manifesting

Manifesting what we desire is a goal that many of us have. It’s something that we have heard and read a lot about recently. There are stories around from people talking about how they were able to manifest incredible abundance (typically a huge amount of money!)

I don’t know about you, but I have often wondered if there’s something wrong with me because I don’t get the same results! At least, I didn’t until I started to work in harmony with my Human Design. Now, I have not manifested a million dollars! I have brought in many different kinds of abundance – or not when I doubted myself. Particularly when I allowed my mind to bring me many doubts and questions!

Your Human Design is different to mine, so what I’ve done may not work for you, but there are some key places to start to begin manifesting from a place of alignment.

Get to know what type of manifester you are – specific or non-specific

You can really energise your manifesting by discovering what type of manifestor you are.

Warning – if your birth time is not very specific then you might need to run your own experiment as to whether you are specific or not.

If you have an accurate time of birth for your chart, have a look at the arrows that are positioned around the head of the Bodygraph. (If you don’t have a chart with arrows, you can create one on our website at https://thesynergyofus.com/free-human-design-chart/

You want to be looking at the lower arrow on the left hand side. If this is facing left you are a specific manifestor. If it is facing right you are a non-specific manifestor.

As the name implies, a specific manifestor is someone who needs to be very detailed and specific about what you want to manifest. This is the kind of energy that the Universe responds to when you tap into it.

How you get more specific will depend on other factors which could show up in your Human Design chart or could be things to experiment with. You might think about whether you want to get specific by writing it down, recording your voice, being artistic or just speaking what you are desiring to bring to yourself out aloud. This is your experiment so play around.

I am a specific manifestor and my experiment has shown me that I need to combine together a few different elements.

A non-specific manifestor is the opposite! Your manifesting energy will be more around a general idea of what you want to bring into your life. There is a lot of energy for you on dwelling on the positive feelings that will be created when your desires are manifested. Once again, there are many ways that you can go about the process – speaking, writing, drawing and so on. Experiment!

Discover whether you need to be active or passive with your manifesting

Are you an active or passive manifestor?

To find out you need to check out your Human Design chart (making sure that you have an accurate time of birth!).

Look at the four arrows that are at the top of the Bodygraph. They will be facing either left or right. 

You are going to look at the arrow that is at the bottom on the right side. 

Note – you need to combine this with the type of manifestor you are – specific or non-specific.

If the arrow is pointing to the left you are an active manifestor.

This means that you are going to actively put some energy towards the thing you are wanting to manifest regularly – like daily. You are also more likely to have success when you are active in pursuing the result you desire – but using your Human Design strategy so waiting to respond, waiting for an invitation and so on.

If the arrow is pointing to the left you are a passive manifestor.

This means that your energy works best when you take a more hands off approach.

Send it out into the Universe and trust that the Universe will send you the response.

I would like to thank Kathrin Zenkina for bringing this aspect of manifesting out into the world! Check her out at Manifesting Babe for more details – and a much clearer explanation, I’m sure.

I have been experimenting with this aspect of manifesting and have found that it does seem to be effective for me.

Once again, remember that Human Design is about experimenting and finding what is true for you! So have some fun with it.

Listen to your Human Design inner authority

In Human Design you discover your truth through following your inner authority.

This is also true when you are desiring to manifest something into your reality.

If your authority is not giving you a ‘yes’ then it means that either the thing is not right for you at all or maybe it is not the right time for it to be manifested.

If you try to push through, this is when you are less likely to have a successful result.

That can then lead to you doubting yourself or doubting the process.

Your energy is aligned to your design. Your authority shows you what is aligned for you and what is not.

Following your authority does not guarantee in everything that you will have everything turn out exactly the way you want – or the way you think you want!

When you use it to guide your decision-making around what you are manifesting, it does bring those things to you!


There are many different aspects of your design that will influence your manifesting, but knowing and using these three things is a good place to start.

Want to find out more? Check out the latest episode of ‘The Synergy of Us’ podcast. Link https://thesynergyofus.com/audio-player/ 

If you are ready to have a reading book here: https://thesynergyofus.com/book-a-human-design-reading/

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