Important Things to Know About Your Human Design

Human Design is quite a complex system and even the foundational things can be a little tricky to understand (and sometimes confusing!) when you try and work them out!

You can feel quite lost in information about profiles and gates and channels and centres and arrows and so on!

When you get right down to basics – what are the most important things to know about your Human Design?

I believe they are:

1. Your Type

2. Your Strategy

3. Your Authority

Karen Curry Parker has a quote that illustrates this in a powerful way. She says:

“Follow your decision-making strategy according to your type, and you will not only discover who you truly are, but you will be perfectly aligned with a life that is an authentic manifestation of your soul’s purpose in this incarnation.”

Your decision-making strategy is your Strategy and Authority.

You truly do begin to align with your Human Design blueprint when you truly know and understand your type, strategy and authority!

1. Your Type – how your energy impacts you and others

The first thing to know about your Human Design is: am I a Generator, or a Manifestor, or a Manifesting Generator, or a Projector, or a Reflector?

These are the Human Design Types. Each of these has its own particular energy signature.

This will have an impact on you and on those around you.

Knowing your type can help you to figure out why people react towards you in certain ways.

For example, I am a Projector.

Projector energy can feel a bit intrusive to other people unless the Projector has been seen and invited to do something for them.

Because Projectors are able to see deeply into the needs of others, they are always wanting to help – but if no-one has asked for help they can be rejected or made to feel like they are invisible.

This was my experience through my whole life!

When I found out I was a Projector, my first reaction was to reject this.

It’s not always easy being a Projector. Before I found out my type I was convinced I was going to be at least a Generator but most likely a Mani-Gen!

Once I got over that and reflected on many different situations in my life, my life actually started to make sense!

When I was finally able to get over lots of built up bitterness (one of the Projector themes) I began to embrace my type – and everything began to change.

This is why I became a Human Design reader and coach!

I put all of the skills, knowledge and understanding I have gained into helping people to understand and live their Human Design blueprint!

2. Your Strategy – how the world brings you opportunities

In Human Design, your Strategy is about the opportunities that come your way.

These are the things you make decisions about.

If the decisions you are making are about everyday life things, it may not be your Strategy at play particularly for some types.

Projectors need to wait for the world to bring them invitations. Obviously, this won’t be about getting a cup of coffee with a friend because invitations are not things that rain down easily on Projectors. It will be about decisions that will have a big impact on you or on others.

Reflectors have the strategy of waiting for a lunar cycle (about 28 days). You’re certainly not going to wait that long to let your friend know if you’re meeting them for coffee. Once again, this is about impactful decisions.

Manifestors have the strategy of informing. How does that work? Manifestors are here to initiate from their internal knowingness – and then they have to let people know what they’re about to do! Once again, this won’t be about a cup of coffee!

On the other hand, Generators and Manifesting Generators may have the answer to whether they need to meet someone for coffee – or not! Both of these types have a defined Sacral centre that gives them energy to do things. Their strategy is to respond – to anything that catches their interest – big or small. It works on a gut instinct that is binary – yes or no. In fact, these types really know what their response is in the moment most clearly when there is a clear yes or no possibility.

Learning to work with your Strategy can be quite difficult because you often need to override your mind to be able to identify your strategy.

3. Your Authority – how your body responds to opportunities showing you what is correct for you

Your Authority is the final part of the decision-making process.

This is where you know if an opportunity is correct for you or not.

There are a number of different authorities.

The most common one is Emotional Authority with just over 50% of people having this authority.

This one uses an emotional wave (or more than one wave) to make a decision. There are seven other authorities (depending on how you count them!) – some of them are more or less common.

Some authorities can only be found in certain types – like Sacral Authority can only be in Generators or Manifesting Generators, while Projectors have several authorities that are only available to them. Reflectors are unique in that they all have the same strategy and authority.

The main thing I have found with authority – both in my personal experience and in working with clients – is that even though your authority might have the same label as someone else’s the way it works will have its own unique flavour that is all yours.

This truly is the place to experiment with your design!


Connecting with your type, strategy and authority gives you a tremendous feeling of balance and certainty.

Imagine knowing that the decision you have made is the right one for you!

No second guessing! No wasted time seesawing back and forth about the ‘right’ thing to do.

There really is a beautiful power and energy that comes from knowing, accepting and loving yourself. This comes from a feeling of certainty.

For me, it is only through understanding my Human Design that I’ve felt that I know who I am authentically deep down and I am free to be that person! That is true empowerment!

If you are ready to begin your Human Design experiment, there are lots of options from having a reading to doing a 1:1 mentoring program. If you’d like to explore the options, why not book in for a free call during which you can find out some basics about your Strategy and Authority, and chat about where to next. Here’s the link to book in. 

Or, if you know it’s time to connect with your Human Design foundations, the next round of Your Human Design Foundations Live starts soon. Use the link so you can be notified, or drop a ‘yes’ below.

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